I love PhotoScape! If your photoshop skills are not up to par, then you will like this program too. Its 'film effect' filters are amazing, but what I really like about this program is its Noise Reduction (clear skin) feature - your woman will love you for using it, especially on close-ups (less visible blemishes/pores/lines). However, this functionality is not available in batch editor mode (last time I checked). *sigh*
Fortunately, ffmpeg offers the next best thing, and it's called High Quality 3D Denoise.
Just create an empty text file, rename it to, like, "Denoise_JPEG_files_in_this_folder.bat", copy/paste the code below, set the appropriate ffmpeg path, tweak to taste, copy/paste the batch file into a folder full of jpeg files, and you're ready to go!
BTW, set the value for "AdditionalVideoFilters" to blank if you don't want the set filter.
<code starts after this line>
@echo off
: _______________________________________________
: This batch file will apply ffmpeg's High Quality 3D Denoise filter on all found image files in the current folder (subfolders included) and open the output folder. Don't forget to set ffmpeg's full path.
: _______________________________________________
: enter required/desired settings
: set ffmpeg path (required). use double quotes.
set ffmpeg="C:\~ En Masse\third party bin\ffmpeg-20131222-git-9b195dd-win32-static\bin\ffmpeg.exe"
: set LumaSpatial. practical range for a 640x480 image is 4-12. no quotes.
set LumaSpatial=12
: set image file types to search/process. note that all files will be converted to the set outputfile extension. no quotes.
set FileTypes=*.jpg, *.jpeg, *.bmp, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff
: output folder (subfolder). no quotes/spaces.
set OutputFolder=~Denoised
: output file name suffix. no quotes.
set Suffix=_Denoised
: output file extension (jpg, png, bmp, etc). no quotes.
set OutputExtension=jpg
: additional video filter (optional). this is for demonstration purposes only. precede each filter with a comma ','. you can set the value to blank if you don't want this feature. no double quotes at both ends.
set AdditionalVideoFilters=, curves=master='0.05/0.045 0.06/0.06 0.5/0.6'
: _______________________________________________
title %~n0
: create the output folder
md %OutputFolder%
: open the created output folder
start explorer.exe %OutputFolder%
: search and process
FOR /F "delims=" %%A IN ('dir /a:-d /b /o:n /s %FileTypes%') DO (
echo %%A
%ffmpeg% -threads 1 -y -f image2 -i "%%A" -f image2 -qscale:v 1 -vf "hqdn3d=luma_spatial=%LumaSpatial%: chroma_spatial=1: luma_tmp=1: chroma_tmp=1 %AdditionalVideoFilters%" "%OutputFolder%\%%~nA%Suffix%.%OutputExtension%"
VidProkEnMasse is an all-ffmpeg solution for your daily video encoding needs. "VidProk" processes videos 'piece-meal' while "En Masse" batch processes videos (last tested on 1849 files).
Showing posts with label batch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label batch. Show all posts
Monday, July 14, 2014
VidProkEnMasse is an all-ffmpeg solution for your daily video encoding needs. The name is derived from its two major apps in the collection. "VidProk" processes videos 'piece-meal' while "En Masse" batch processes videos (last tested on 1849 files).
Apart from their intended use, VidProk and En Masse are also excellent learning tools for new ffmpeg users as both apps readily reveal their ffmpeg 'recipes'. While the GUI provides convenience for experienced ffmpeg users, you don't have to be an ffmpeg guru to use VidProkEnMasse. It does not include a large collection of device-specific presets, but it fairly outlines some of ffmpeg's vast capabilities. You can consider the example presets as a sort of walk-through.
VidProkEnMasse is a home-brew solution created by a frustrated end-user for other end-users. It does not write to the registry, does not automatically 'phone home' for updates, does not nag, does not coerce your browser to a new home page/search engine or to install a new toolbar, and does not require you to join a cult. VidProkEnMasse is absolutely free, though small donations are very much welcome. Email me: chiqboy<[at]>gmail<[dot]>com
En Masse features:
1. Easy operation: Select preset, select folder, generate batch file, convert.
2. The usual features: Burn-in *.srt (SubRip) subtitle files, single-/two-pass encoding, crf-/quantizer-/bitrate-based encoding, generate video statistics logs, shutdown after encoding, etc.
3. Logged encodes: Elapsed time, render speed, rendered file size, possible failed encode, etc.
4. Preset Manager - Bitrate-based encodes: Integrated qf calculator. Max duration on DVD-5/-9. Resize all videos to one width or depending on aspect ratio, or no resize at all (square pixel/anamorphic).
5. Queue Stats readily displays total number of files/size, total duration, and estimated total output size (if available).
6. Integrated bitrate calculator (Duration/x). Suggests video bitrate based on total video duration (as on Queue Stats) and the number of discs you specify.
7. Text expansion support (%variables%).
VidProk features:
1. Easy operation: Drag/drop video, select preset, add video filters, tweak, preview, encode.
2. The usual features: Burn-in *.srt (SubRip) subtitle files, single-/two-pass encoding, crf-/quantizer-/bitrate-based encoding, extract frames to jpg files, extract screen shots, extract embedded subtitles to srt, extract audio to wav, change container or discard/copy stream, generate video statistics logs, crop/scale/distort frames, select/tweak/preview video filters, etc.
3. Logged encodes: Elapsed time, render speed, rendered file size, possible failed encode, etc.
4. Text expansion support (%variables%).
5. Unique feature: LAP (low, average, peak). Answers the question: 'What's the peak video birate like if I were to encode with XYZ settings?'.
Some of the other tools included:
GetTotalDuration.exe: Computes total and average duration of dragged/dropped video files.
JoinAVstreams.exe: Stream copy/mux. May fix generally faulty videos or some rogue mkv files (variable frame rate with missing frame count).
AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe: Similar to "LAP". Reads ffmpeg-generated video statistics logs and retrieves low/average/peak q, low/average/peak bitrate, etc. Ever wondered what the bitrate is like for T.V. noise?
En Masse demo:
Download VidProkEnMasse:
Click Here
Update: VidProkEnMasse_20170116
1. Modified scale routine: If Width combo boxes are left blank, no scale filter will be applied. I was compelled to implement this when I processed videos from a smart phone (annoying "portrait" videos).
2. Added "SRTFix.exe" (GUI) and "SRTFixCLI.exe" (command line). Both attempt to fix subtitles (*.srt) with long lines that go right off the screen. Limits subtitles to two rows when max characters is exceeded.
3. Added "GaugeVideoGenerator.exe". Default settings attempt to replicate the visual content (bitrate-wise) of "Transformers - Age of Extinction (2014)"... shortened to 100 seconds. Lets the user guesstimate output file size of crf-/quantizer-based encodes. Said movie, AFAIK, has the highest bitrate for a feature film. May answer the silly question: "What is the equivalent bitrate of crf 23?"
4. Added %presetdetails% to text expansion. Useful when used on metadata comment.
%presetdetails% expands to:
PresetName: V/A codec: vc+ac. V/A bitrate: vb+ab. fps: x. Widths: a, b, c, d. PIFA: xyz. VFA1: xyz. VFA2: xyz. PvfFFA: xyz.
5. Added %loud% to text expansion which makes audio output significantly louder
%loud% expands to:
-af "aformat=channel_layouts=stereo, compand=0 0:1 1:-72/-72 -48/-6 -3/-3 24/-3:0.01:0:-96:0"
6. Updated to "ffmpeg-20160116-git-d7c75a5-win32-static" which works on my OS (Windows XP 32-bit). Please feel free to replace with the latest ffmpeg Zeranoe static build if desired/required.
7. Unfortunately, VidProkEnMasse, being written in AutoIt, still suffers false positives from lazy AV software companies :\
Update: VidProkEnMasse_20140714
1. Renamed app to 'VidProkEnMasse'.
2. Added text expansion feature (%variables%).
3. Added 'AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe' which retrieves info (like peak q, peak bitrate, etc) from vstats log files.
4. VidProk: Added 'LAP' (Low, Average, Peak) which performs video statistics gathering and retrieves info similar to 'AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe'.
5. Added 'Longest.Line.In.Srt_[DROP.SRT.FILE.HERE].exe'.
6. Numerous tweaks.
7. Updated to ffmpeg-20140712-git-ca671be-win32-static.
8. Moved site to http://vidprokenmasse.blogspot.com/2014/07/vidprokenmasse.html
Update: EnMasse_20140528
1. Dropped MediaInfo in favor of ffprobe (En Masse is now an ALL-ffmpeg solution).
2. En Masse: Burn-in subtitles (batch mode).
3. New policy: Maintain anamorphic dimensions if not resized.
4. Two-pass encoding.
5. VidProk encoding is now logged.
6. Numerous tweaks.
7. Updated to ffmpeg-20140502-git-0f9f24c-win32-static.
Apart from their intended use, VidProk and En Masse are also excellent learning tools for new ffmpeg users as both apps readily reveal their ffmpeg 'recipes'. While the GUI provides convenience for experienced ffmpeg users, you don't have to be an ffmpeg guru to use VidProkEnMasse. It does not include a large collection of device-specific presets, but it fairly outlines some of ffmpeg's vast capabilities. You can consider the example presets as a sort of walk-through.
VidProkEnMasse is a home-brew solution created by a frustrated end-user for other end-users. It does not write to the registry, does not automatically 'phone home' for updates, does not nag, does not coerce your browser to a new home page/search engine or to install a new toolbar, and does not require you to join a cult. VidProkEnMasse is absolutely free, though small donations are very much welcome. Email me: chiqboy<[at]>gmail<[dot]>com
En Masse features:
1. Easy operation: Select preset, select folder, generate batch file, convert.
2. The usual features: Burn-in *.srt (SubRip) subtitle files, single-/two-pass encoding, crf-/quantizer-/bitrate-based encoding, generate video statistics logs, shutdown after encoding, etc.
3. Logged encodes: Elapsed time, render speed, rendered file size, possible failed encode, etc.
4. Preset Manager - Bitrate-based encodes: Integrated qf calculator. Max duration on DVD-5/-9. Resize all videos to one width or depending on aspect ratio, or no resize at all (square pixel/anamorphic).
5. Queue Stats readily displays total number of files/size, total duration, and estimated total output size (if available).
6. Integrated bitrate calculator (Duration/x). Suggests video bitrate based on total video duration (as on Queue Stats) and the number of discs you specify.
7. Text expansion support (%variables%).
VidProk features:
1. Easy operation: Drag/drop video, select preset, add video filters, tweak, preview, encode.
2. The usual features: Burn-in *.srt (SubRip) subtitle files, single-/two-pass encoding, crf-/quantizer-/bitrate-based encoding, extract frames to jpg files, extract screen shots, extract embedded subtitles to srt, extract audio to wav, change container or discard/copy stream, generate video statistics logs, crop/scale/distort frames, select/tweak/preview video filters, etc.
3. Logged encodes: Elapsed time, render speed, rendered file size, possible failed encode, etc.
4. Text expansion support (%variables%).
5. Unique feature: LAP (low, average, peak). Answers the question: 'What's the peak video birate like if I were to encode with XYZ settings?'.
Some of the other tools included:
GetTotalDuration.exe: Computes total and average duration of dragged/dropped video files.
JoinAVstreams.exe: Stream copy/mux. May fix generally faulty videos or some rogue mkv files (variable frame rate with missing frame count).
AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe: Similar to "LAP". Reads ffmpeg-generated video statistics logs and retrieves low/average/peak q, low/average/peak bitrate, etc. Ever wondered what the bitrate is like for T.V. noise?
En Masse demo:
Download VidProkEnMasse:
Click Here
Update: VidProkEnMasse_20170116
1. Modified scale routine: If Width combo boxes are left blank, no scale filter will be applied. I was compelled to implement this when I processed videos from a smart phone (annoying "portrait" videos).
2. Added "SRTFix.exe" (GUI) and "SRTFixCLI.exe" (command line). Both attempt to fix subtitles (*.srt) with long lines that go right off the screen. Limits subtitles to two rows when max characters is exceeded.
3. Added "GaugeVideoGenerator.exe". Default settings attempt to replicate the visual content (bitrate-wise) of "Transformers - Age of Extinction (2014)"... shortened to 100 seconds. Lets the user guesstimate output file size of crf-/quantizer-based encodes. Said movie, AFAIK, has the highest bitrate for a feature film. May answer the silly question: "What is the equivalent bitrate of crf 23?"
4. Added %presetdetails% to text expansion. Useful when used on metadata comment.
%presetdetails% expands to:
PresetName: V/A codec: vc+ac. V/A bitrate: vb+ab. fps: x. Widths: a, b, c, d. PIFA: xyz. VFA1: xyz. VFA2: xyz. PvfFFA: xyz.
5. Added %loud% to text expansion which makes audio output significantly louder
%loud% expands to:
-af "aformat=channel_layouts=stereo, compand=0 0:1 1:-72/-72 -48/-6 -3/-3 24/-3:0.01:0:-96:0"
6. Updated to "ffmpeg-20160116-git-d7c75a5-win32-static" which works on my OS (Windows XP 32-bit). Please feel free to replace with the latest ffmpeg Zeranoe static build if desired/required.
7. Unfortunately, VidProkEnMasse, being written in AutoIt, still suffers false positives from lazy AV software companies :\
Update: VidProkEnMasse_20140714
1. Renamed app to 'VidProkEnMasse'.
2. Added text expansion feature (%variables%).
3. Added 'AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe' which retrieves info (like peak q, peak bitrate, etc) from vstats log files.
4. VidProk: Added 'LAP' (Low, Average, Peak) which performs video statistics gathering and retrieves info similar to 'AnalyzeVstatsLogFile.exe'.
5. Added 'Longest.Line.In.Srt_[DROP.SRT.FILE.HERE].exe'.
6. Numerous tweaks.
7. Updated to ffmpeg-20140712-git-ca671be-win32-static.
8. Moved site to http://vidprokenmasse.blogspot.com/2014/07/vidprokenmasse.html
Update: EnMasse_20140528
1. Dropped MediaInfo in favor of ffprobe (En Masse is now an ALL-ffmpeg solution).
2. En Masse: Burn-in subtitles (batch mode).
3. New policy: Maintain anamorphic dimensions if not resized.
4. Two-pass encoding.
5. VidProk encoding is now logged.
6. Numerous tweaks.
7. Updated to ffmpeg-20140502-git-0f9f24c-win32-static.
En Masse,
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